Zen Swing

ZEN SWING was created along a lively exchange with Zen teacher Eva Sperner, who runs a zendo in Munich-Haidhausen for 15 years (website). Eva's valuable experience in long sitting during meditation has evolved over several ergonomy prototypes and yields a result that is very simple, yet of high quality craftmanship.

The bench is designed for a kneeling sit. Its particularly rounded shape of the foot sections allows the inclination to adapt ideally to the preferred meditation position of the sitter. Due to this variability and the 2 available seat heights, the bench is suitable for all body sizes.

ZEN SWING is handmade from a single board and has a fine, velvety surface. The mitred corner joint (45°) allows the grain of the wood to continue uninterrupted from one side to the other. Available in reddish cherry or bright orange larch, both of them domestic wood species with a warm feel.

2023 | Dimensions: seat 42.0 x 20.0 cm, height ca. 20.0 cm | Material: Larch, cherry.

Zen Swing Zen Swing Zen Swing
